Tibetan sound massage

Tibetan sound massage is a special, deeply relaxing therapy that uses the vibrations and sounds of Tibetan sound bowls to harmonize the energies of the body and mind, helping to achieve inner peace and physical-spiritual balance.
A special, unique form of touch. Sound massage therapy using the method of Peter Hess, a very special, personal experience and its effect is also special. We arrive at silence through the sound. The pleasant, harmonious sounds of the sound bowls soothe the spirit, the soft vibrations permeate the entire body, loosen the energy blocks and lead to a pleasant relaxation.
It creates an atmosphere of calm, safety and protection, which allows us to get in touch with our "inner voice". With it, we open a space where the soul can unfold. Sound massage is a comprehensive, holistic therapy that includes healing and harmonizing the body, soul and spirit.
30 minutes: HUF 8,000
50 minutes: HUF 14,000
The course and effect of the treatment on a physical and mental level:
The bowls placed on the body of the client lying in the cloth are gently hit with a felt stick. Sound bowls have different frequencies. Our body consists of 80% water, which conducts these vibrations excellently. The vibration of the vocal cords penetrates deeply through the skin and muscles, reaches the organs, all the way to the cells, and restores our original, individual vibration and harmony. The vibration gently massages acupuncture points, meridians, cleanses and recharges the chakras and aura.
The long-lasting vibrating sound quickly creates a calm, meditative atmosphere. If you hit several bowls at the same time, the brain is no longer able to follow them, it turns off, and a It goes into alpha state. The sound waves reach the human brain with a frequency of 13.8 Hertz, and as a result, we are flooded with a feeling of calmness and peace. It is an intermediate state between wakefulness and sleep, such as shortly before falling asleep, which we experience during relaxation or through meditation exercises.
This strengthens our confidence, helps us gather strength and creates harmony in us. In this state, fine vibrations and vibrations easily penetrate deep into the body through the mediation of the element of water, where they dissolve both physical and mental tensions and blocks.
The most important effects of sound massage:
- Resolving all tension and problems caused by stress
- Relaxation and elimination of back and lower back pain
- Relaxation of neck and shoulder muscles, elimination of headache
- Regulation of digestion, resolution of lower abdominal cramps
- Improving blood circulation, solving energy blocks
- Starting self-healing processes, strengthening the immune system
- Improving and deepening breathing, improving concentration
- Eliminating anxiety, curing sleep disorders and psychosomatic diseases
It can be used in children: in case of learning difficulties, hyperactivity, concentration and sleep problems.