
Refreshing massage is an invigorating and energizing treatment that improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles and reduces stress, thus contributing to total relaxation and re-energization of body and mind.

Its essence: a powerful, refreshing, invigorating, conditioning massage covering all the muscles of the body. To a certain extent, it replaces active movement, so it is especially recommended for people who move little.

It uses the techniques of Swedish massage. The carriers can be used in several versions, depending on the effect to be achieved. It is the basis of all European massages.

It refreshes the body, increases blood circulation, improves digestion, reduces pain, accelerates recovery after injuries, alleviates insomnia, increases alertness, and also promotes relaxation and reduces the effects of stress.

20 minutes: HUF 6,000

30 minutes: HUF 9,000

50 minutes: HUF 14,000